22 December 2024


Hello there! I’m not really sure what to say about myself.

Well, first off, I’m Hedgie (or Icee if you prefer). I classify myself as a “semi-self-taught” artist of many trades.


How long have you practiced drawing?
(submitted by Katt the chaos maker (@Shygirl4991) / Twitter)

I’ve been practicing drawing since I was about 11 or 12 years old. I can remember the first time I tried actually. While I was in class, one of my classmates was sketching a picture from a Looney Tunes coloring book. It seemed interesting, so I wanted to give it a try. Not trying to toot my own horn, but it turned out quite well. From there on I was interested in drawing. :3

What got you to stream and do youtube?
(submitted by Katt the chaos maker (@Shygirl4991) / Twitter)

Basically, I did it because it seemed fun. ^-^

As far as Youtube, watching let’s plays from DeceasedCrab inspired me to start. However, after my first one, I wanted to learn how to be better, and so, through LPers such as Azureblade49 and others, I learned how to be better. The rest is history from there.

As for streaming, I really dunno what got me into it. At the end of the day, I was like, “Ooh, this seems fun, so why not?” lol

When is your birthday?
(submitted by Drew Daiz (@DaizDrew) / Twitter)

My birthday’s July 5th. ^-^

Favorite games?
(submitted by Drew Daiz (@DaizDrew) / Twitter)

If you mean, favorite types of games, I’m a sucker for platfomers, mainly. Growing up, I was obsessed with the first three Super Mario titles (as I didn’t own a Sega, so I didn’t know what a Sonic was until later on. lol)

Favorite gaming bud?
(submitted by Drew Daiz (@DaizDrew) / Twitter)

You mean as in collab partner? I, uh, really don’t have one 😛 

Currently taking questions for FAQ. Feel free to let me know what questions you want answered and I’ll add them to the FAQ.